My  opinion of movies like Ghost Buster and Paranormal Activity is that they good movies i don't know if they real or not maybe its just for entertainment. If someone offered me a free revealing of my future i would say yes, because i would just do it for fun. I never had a supernatural experience and i dont think i ever will 
Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something or work hard for something that you really want. Yes it is possible to be  to ambitious, because i know people like that, they want to be the best at everything and everybody else. I do n't like people who are to ambitous because 
Yes, I believe that something are just meant to be , because if it wasn't it wasn't gone happen. It can be fate or destiny because things happen for a reason, a specific reason, that you can learn from. Yes i believe that life is open and that nothing isn't written in stone, because people contri
My definition of success is  something or something that is doing well. A person who is successful is a person who is reaching or has reached all of their goals, and are striving to go above and beyond to do better. You can judge whether or not a person is successful or not by how they look, how they speak,and their act
My view of a strong confident women is a women who is independent, she may need help sometimes but other than that she can do things on her own without any ones help. She takes care of her family and try to help everyone out. Power in a marriage should be distributed even because when you are married you are one. Men who are influenced by their wives or girlfriends as men who have feelings and are understanding because they are getting another point of view besides their own. Roles of marriage ought to be divided evenly.